
Paket Lengkap Efektivitas Referensi Medik Dengan Tindakan Pengakhiran Persalinan Pada Ibu Hamil Resiko Di Rsud Tidar Kota Magelang Tahun 2013

ABSTRACT: The persistently high maternal mortality rate in Indonesia put efforts to reduce maternal mortality rate as a priority program. In order to increase accessibility, equity and effectiveness of health services, referrals are made to the nearest service facility which has the ability to service according to patient needs. Preliminary study data mentions that three mothers who were referred caused by eclampsia which previously have been given initial treatment, two delivery ends with sectio operation, and one died on the way to a referral place.
  This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of medical referral to the action of termination of labor in pregnant women with risk. This type of research is qualitative, in which data collection is emic perspective. The population in this study were pregnant women with complications over the reference midwives, midwives refer, as well as hospital midwife. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 10 samples from each patient, referring midwives, and hospital midwives. The study began on 27 May to 23 July 2013. The data was collected by questionnaire, interview, and recording. Presentation of data in tables at once narrative.
The results showed that all midwives in referral has been effectively demonstrated by not occur 3 late that consists of the delay at the family level in recognizing danger signs and make the decision to seek help, the delay in reaching health care facilities as well as delays in health care facilities to obtain help that is needed so there is no maternal and infant mortality.
The conclusion of this study is the act of a referral made by midwives has proven effective in the absence of the death of both the mother and fetus. Advice for health workers, especially midwives, are more concerned midwife in preparation required prior to referring.
KEYWORDS: Refferal, Termination of pregnancy
Penulis: Liliana Nur Kholifah, Sri Winarsih
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd160510

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