
Paket Lengkap Efek Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital, Dan Kecukupan Modal Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Tahun 2015

Abstract: A company will always attempt to reach it’s goal by increasing it’s efficiency and effectiveness. One of the ways to achieve the goal is by improving Good Corporate Governance, Intelectual Capital, and Capital Adequacy. This study was conducted with the aim of finding about the effect of Good Corporate Governance, Intelectual Capital,and Capital Adequacy on financial performance of the banking sector proxies by ROA. Corporate Governance measured using Internet Based Corporate Governance (IBCG) rating modified. The data used secondary data were collected from company financial report from IDX and company website. The population consisted of Banking Sector listed on IDX period 2015. The sample consisted of 38 companies selected using purposive sampling. The hypothesis was tested by using multiple linear regression using. The hypothesis testing showed that Good Corporate Governance and Intelectual Capital partially, have an effect on financial performance of the companies. Then, Capital Adequacy showed that haven’t an effect on financial performance of the companies.
Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Intelectual Capital, Capital Adequacy, Financial Performance, IBCG Rating Modified
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171165

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