Paket Lengkap Efek Produk Domestik Bruto (Pdb) Dan Indeks Pembangunan Insan (Ipm) Terhadap Angka Kemiskinan Di Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Poverty is classic issue faced by most developing countries and is one of economic indicators to view public welfare level in any region. The research aimed to analyze effect of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and human development index on poverty in Indonesia. Analysis used quantitative with Random Effect Model (REM) method in Panel Data with time series year 2006 to 2008. Anaysis result concluded that all independent variable simultaneously had significant effect on poverty variable in Indonesia and partially Gross Domestic Product (GDP) variable had significant negative influence on poverty with α 20%, and Human Development Index (HDI) variable had significant negative influence on poverty with α 5%.
KEYWORDS: gross domestic product, human development index, and poverty
Penulis: Muhammad Sri Wahyudi Suliswanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100317