
Paket Lengkap Citra Pelaksanaan Terapi Pada Perempuan Penderita Kanker Payudara Di Rsud Banyumas Tahun 2013

ABSTRACT: Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence rate of the number 2 after cervical cancer. The number of breast cancer patients around theworld continues to increase. The direct causes of breast cancer up to nowunknown, regarding treatment, among experts in the world are also many differences of opinion. There are many treatment of breast cancer include, Lumpectomy, Mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy.
Objective: To determine the description of the implementation of the therapy in women with breast cancer in Banyumas General Hospital in 2013.
Methods: This research is quantitative descriptive retrospective study approach. The sample used is total sampling, samples of this study were all women with breast cancer who carry out road maintenance in hospitals Banyumas ie 40 patients.
Results: From the results, the majority of respondents were age ≥ 50 years a total of 33 respondents (82.5%), mostly there is no family history of breast cancer in as many as 27 respondents (67.5%), the majority of respondents have as much parity multiparas 25 respondents (62.5%), the majority of breast cancer treatment is chemotherapy as much as 15 respondents (37.5%).
Conclusion: The majority of breast cancer treatment is with chemotherapy
Keywords: Breast Cancer Treatment, Age, Family History, Parity
Penulis: Reni Dwi Setyaningsih
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150423

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