Paket Lengkap Effect Of Calcium Supplementation During Pregnancy In Maternal Patient To Preterm Birth In One Of Private Hospitals In Yogyakarta
Abstract: Calcium is one of micronutrients that plays an important role in pregnancy. Insufficient consumption of calcium in pregnant women could lead to preterm birth, which is a major cause of neonatal mortality. This study aimed to determine the maternal patients’ characteristics, relationship between prematurity risk factors such as age, antenatal care, history of abortion and parity as well as calcium supplementation during pregnancy on pregnant women toward preterm birth in one of private hospitals in Yogyakarta. The survey was conducted from May to August 2016 The study was an analytical observation with cross‑sectional research design. In total of 199 medical records of maternal patients that had been included were analyzed using Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square test to see the relationship of calcium supplementation to preterm birth. Fisher’s exact test was used if Chi-Square’s requirement was not fulfilled. The pregnant women’s characteristics in the hospital were expectant mothers with normal gestational age (93%); insufficient calcium supplementation (79%); age ≤30 years (61%); bachelor’s degree (53%); private employees (40%); antenatal care ≥4 (98%) and parity 1 and ≥4 (54%). The result of this study showed there was no relationship between age, antenatal care, history of abortion and parity as well as calcium supplementation toward preterm birth on pregnant women in one of private hospitals in Yogyakarta.
Keywords: Calcium supplementation, maternal, preterm birth
Penulis: Albertus I. Brilian, Dita Maria Virginia
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170003