
Paket Lengkap Penggunaan Antibiotik Pada Terapi Community Acquired Pneumonia Di Rsud Pasar Rebo Dan Rsud Tarakan Di Jakarta Tahun 2014

ABSTRACT: Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lung severe renal impairment caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is one type of pneumonia that including three diseases that cause death in the world. Antibiotics used on pneumonia therapy because it can inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria cause infection. Inappropriately the use of antibiotics the cause of treatment becomes less effective, efficacy of the antibiotics become decrease, high resistance and the cost of treatment. The purpose of this research is to know the description of antibiotics usage on the therapy CAP including the appropriate of dosage and appropriate of duration treatment with antibiotics in RSUD Pasar Rebo and RSUD Tarakan in Jakarta. The data taken retrospectively from medical record inpatients Non ICU. The data will analyses based on Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Technique Society (IDSA/ATS), Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults (2007), Drug Information of Handbook (DIH) 2012, and Guidelines Diagnosis and Managements in Indonesia (PDPI) Pneumonia Community by 2014. The results of research on patients with CAP shows 88,49% appropriate of dosage according to DIH, AHFS and Drug.com and 60,43% appropriate of duration treatment with antibiotics according to IDSA/ATS, PDPI, and DIH 2012.
Keywords: CAP, Antibiotik, RSUD Pasar Rebo dan RSUD Tarakan
Penulis: Zainul Islam, Syarah Martiani Qodariyah, Eka Nursehah Eka Nursehah
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170044

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