Paket Lengkap Correlation Between Family’S Ability In Taking Care Of Undermedication Family Members And The Level Of Family’S Independence In Diabetes Mellitus Severe Disease Management Aktivitas (Prolanis) Group At Technical Implementation Unit Of Ngawen 1 Community Hea
ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus, a non-contagious disease, has a long term duration and develops slowly, in which family’s role is therefore vitally important for patients’ recovery. Efforts of family care aim to develop and improve the knowledge as well asability and independence in dealing with health problems in the family. This research was aimed at revealing correlation between family’s ability to treat their under-medication family members and its independence in Diabetes Mellitus Severe Disease Management (Prolanis) Group at Ngawen 1 Community Health Center. This was correlation research applies cross sectional approach, by selecting 60 people as samples. Those samples were collected by using saturated sampling technique. The data were then analyzed by utilizing kendall tau test. This study indicated that most of respondents were women (78.3 %), above 50 years old (71.7 %), never attend school/never graduate from elementary school (43 %), and work as farmers (78.3 %). The family’s ability in taking care of their under-medication family members was 60% and the level of family’s independence in the second level of independence was 50%. Based on the kendall lau test, it was shown that that the correlation between family’s ability in taking care of ill family member and the family’s independence in a diabetes mellitus Prolanis group at Ngawen 1 Community Health Center is indicated by significant value of p = 0.00 <0.05. This research concludes that there is a correlation between family’s ability in taking care of under-medication members and family’s independence in diabetes mellitus Prolanist group at Ngawen 1 Community Health Center.
KEYWORDS: diabetes mellitus, ability, independence
Penulis: Wahyu Rizky
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170425