
Paket Lengkap Description Of Childbirth Mother Knowledge About The Signs Of Puerperal Blood Hazard In Sanopati Bantul Yogyakarta Panembahan Hospital

ABSTRACT: Based on the IDHS in 2012, Maternal Mortality Rate in Indonesia reached 359 / 100.000 live births, this is an increase compared to IDHS in 2007 that is 228 / 100.000 live birth. The cause of maternal death was bleeding 32%, hypertension 25%, infection 5%, old partus 5%, abortus 1% and others 32%. Puerperal period is a period that is prone to the mother. Nearly 50% of deaths on the puerperium occurs in the first 24 hours after delivery due to postpartum complications. For that we need a participation from the community, especially postpartum women to have knowledge about the sign of the puzzle of the puerperium. The research aimed to know the knowledge level of postpartum mother about postpartum danger sign at Panembahan Senopati Hospital of Bantul.  The type of descriptive quantitative research with cross sectional study design. The sample in this research is 73 respondents in RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul taken with quota sampling technique. Data analysis in this research is univariate analysis. Respondents had knowledge of the puerperal signs in the categories of either 48%, enough 45% and less 7%. As conclusion, knowledge level of puerperal mother about postpartum hazard at RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta is mostly good.
Keywords: knowledge, puerperal blood, childbirth dangers
Penulis: Kusuma Ayu Ambarwati, Nur Indah Rahmawati, Prasetya Lestari
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170429

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