
Paket Lengkap Body Mass Index (Bmi) With Dysmenorrhea Student Of Class X And Xi In Public Senior High School 1 Gamping

ABSTRACT: Menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain that forced her to break or result in decreased daily activity hari. The incidence of  dysmenorrhea in  the  world  is  very  high.  An  average  of  more  than  50%  of  women  have experience dysmenorrhea each world. The results of the research in the United states that the presentation of events dysmenorrhea approximately 60%, 72% in Sweden and 55% in Indonesia.The objective of study was to  determine  the  relationship  of  body  mass  index  (BMI) with dysmenorrhea student of class X and XI in public senior high school 1 Gamping. This research using analytic survey with cross sectional approach. Location in public senior high school 1 Gamping. Research time on 25 May 2016, total 142 respondents, the sampling technique with a total sampling, questionare of dysmenorrhea used as tool to collect data, measuring height and weight, data analysis using SPSS.Based on data there are many students who have dysmenorrhea amount 120 respondents (84.5%). For the average BMI categories at relatively normal student is 81 respondents (57.0%). Based on the statistical test Chi-Square is obtained p value of 0.798 (p-value> 0.05).   There   is   no   relationship   between   body   mass   index   with   the dysmenorrhea in students of class X and XI in   public senior high school 1 Gamping
KEYWORDS: dysmenorrhea, body mass index (BMI), student
Penulis:Khusnul Khotimah, Siti Nurunniyah, Oktaviana Maharani
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170430

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