Paket Lengkap The Description Of Parenting Pattern On Pregnancy Of Teenagers On Female Student In Sma N 2 Banguntapan
ABSTRACT: Teen pregnancy will have a negative impact on teen health and baby , it also affects the social and economic. Research aims to understand pattern foster parents who applied in adolescents and factor that influences pattern foster parents in Sekolah Menengan Atas N 2 Banguntapan. Methods used in this research is descriptive survey. The population of the research is 146 students , with the used researchers about 65 students. Research showed that the foster many applied in Sekolah Menengan Atas N 2 Banguntapan is the pattern foster good (60%). A good many foster applied by the old to age 36-45 year(73,81%). The average level of education parents respondents were high school apply foster pattern good (75%) and the higher education parents and foster pattern applied parents the better. In addition the number of child from its parents respondents also affect foster pattern(75%) respondents were the to 2 or more. Most of the adoptive parents about teen pregnancy in Sekolah Menengan Atas N 2 Bangutapan is pattern good foster
KEYWORDS: The adoptive parents and teen pregnancy
Penulis: Oktaviani, Susiana Sariyati, Farida Aryani
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170431