
Paket Lengkap Description Of Pregnant Woman Primigravida Trimester Iii's Rate In Dealing With Labor In Puskesmas Mlati Ii Sleman Yogyakarta

ABSTRACT: In Indonesia the maternal mortality rate is still far from the established sasaran where the largest maternal mortality rate occurs during pregnancy and childbirth. Based on preliminary study conducted at Puskesmas Mlati II, 50% of 10 pregnant women of primigravida trimester III experience anxiety in facing childbirth, where anxiety can lead to prolonged labor and is one of the causes of maternal death during childbirth. The objective of this research was to know the picture of anxiety level of pregnant woman of primigravida trimester III in facing childbirth at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman year 2016. This type of research used quantitative descriptive method with cross sectional study design. The population in this study were all pregnant women primigravida trimester III who checked their pregnancy at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman with 51 people. Sampling technique used is accidental sampling. The number of samples in this study was 44 pregnant women primigravida trimester III. The data analysis uses frequency distribution, the result is presented in table and narration. The anxiety level of Primary Trimester pregnant women in the face of labor with moderate anxiety level as many as 29 respondents (65.9%), for the level of severe anxiety as much as 8 respondents (18.2%), for mild anxiety as many as 7 respondents (15.9%) while for the category of severe anxiety level and category no anxiety 0 respondents (0%). The level of anxiety of Primary Trimester pregnant woman in facing childbirth at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman in 2016 mostly with moderate anxiety level that is as much as 29 respondents (65
KEYWORDS: anxiety, primigravida third trimester, labor
Penulis: Tika Angreta, Tri Prabowo, Febrina Suci Hati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170440

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