
Paket Lengkap The Relationship Between The Diet Practice Towards Marriage With The Anemia Status On Pre Marriage Woman In Sedayu District, Bantul Yogyakarta

ABSTRACT: In  Indonesia,   prevalence   iron  deficiency  anemia (IDA) according data from SKRT (2009) said that there are 56.6% of pregnant mother, 61.1% of female teenagers between 10-18 years old and 36.5 % of female between 19-45 years old. At 2011 there are 31.1% of female teenagers who suffer from anemia. Data from  riskesdas  (2013)  said  that  there  are  23.9  %  of  adult  female  who  suffer  from anemia. One of the cause of pre marriage woman (bride) attacks anemia easily is the woman wants to look slim, so she minimize  her food to get ideal body and decrease her weight without knowing whether the diet is health or not. The lack of those nutrient caused them anemic that will impact on her pregnant. This research  aimed  to know the relationship  between  the diet practice towards marriage with the anemia status on bride in sedayu district, Bantul Yogyakarta. This research used Observational  program, the samples of this research are the  bride  who  checked  up  in  Sedayu  clinic.  The  sample  technique   used  quota sampling, 77 brides participated in this research. The technique of data collection used one-variant to know the percentage and the analyses data used Chi-Square. The  result  of this  study  showed  that  from  77  respondents,  6 (54.5%)  of brides  respondents  diet and anemic  and  5 (45.5%)  of respondents  did not anemic, whereas  41  (62.1)  of  respondents   did  not  diet  and  anemic  then  25  (37.9%)  of respondents  did  not  anemic.  It  can  be  concluded  that  41  (62.1%)  of  respondents anemics are the bride who did not diet. the result of chi-square analyses showed that p was 0.886 or p value > 0.005, it means that Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected. There  is no  significant  correlation  between  the  diet  practice  towards marriage with the anemia status on bride in sedayu distric, Bantul Yogyakart
KEYWORDS: diet, anemia status, pre marriage woman
Penulis: Lulu Ana Malifah, Hamam Hadi, Susiana Sariyati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170441

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