Paket Lengkap The Influence Of Educating About Growing Toddler Stimulation On Mother's Knowledge At Community Feeding Center In Sedayu Puskesmas Work Area
ABSTRACT: Growing infant development greatly affects subsequent growth and development, as disturbed toddlers greatly affect the brain's performance of walking ability, socializing, talking, emotional and social awareness. Data RISKESDAS 2013 in Indonesia 37.2%, in 2014 toddler stunting, malnutrition equal to 26,518. Factors that affect the nutrition of toddlers such as mother's knowledge, need to be given the education and skills to be positive in guiding growth and development. This study aimed to determine whether there is influence of education about stimulation of growth of infant toddler to mother knowledge in community feeding center in working area of Sedayu health center. The study used quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group. The number of respondents was 19 respondents in the intervention group and control group of the under-five mother. In the intervention group of mother's knowledge before and after education with significant p = 0,00 equals <0,05 which means there is difference before and after giving education. In the control group before and after education with significant p = 0.414 equals> 0.05. This means that there was no significant difference between before and after education. In conclusion, educational stimulation of toddler growth can improve mother's knowledge in stimulating to her toddler. Therefore, to increase the knowledge of mother needed factors influencing mother's knowledge level.l.
KEYWORDS: Education, Growth Stimulation, Mother's Knowledge
Penulis: Sulistiyawati, Ultiyas Alfianty, Nindita Kumalawati Santoso
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170426