
Paket Lengkap Efek Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (Imd) Terhadap Usang Persalinan Periode Iii Pada Ibu Bersalin Di Rumah Sakit Umum Kawasan Dan Rumah Bersalin Gratis Kota Yogyakarta Tahun 2010

Abstract: Indonesia had high number of maternal mortality and one of the causes was caused of bleeding in delivery. The number of bleeding at RSUD Yogyakarta increases from 0,93% in 2008 to 1,88% in 2009, meanwhile at RBG Yogyakarta in 2009 the number of bleeding was 0%. One of the ways to prevent the bleeding is by doing early breastfeeding initiation that can stimulate utery contraction so that can make duration of third stage of labor faster and decrease the bleeding in delivery. Althuogh the beneficients of IMD have been known, but there are still many hospitals and others health service places haven’t done IMD.
Objectives :the purpose of this research was to know the effect of early breastfeedinginitiation to the duration of third stage of labor by delivery mother in RSUD and RBG Yogyakarta City at 2010
Methods : this study was experiment research by using static group comparison of pra experiment design. The locations are in RSUD and RBG Yogyakarta city. In this research used early breastfeeding initiation as independent variable and duration of third stage of laboras dependent variable.the data scale used nominal and rasio. The samples were 60 personsfrom population that fulfill the criteria. Data analysis used independent t-test to understand the effect of early breastfeeding initiation to the duration of third stage of labor.
Result : from 60 respondents, 30 persons (50%) being experiment group and 30 persons (50%) being control group and the average duration of third delivery phase for experimentgroup were 6,10+1,67 minutes and for control group 9,73+1,89 minutes. t-account (7.888) was higher than t-table (1.671) ) and p value = 0,000 (p < 0,05) so Ho was unacceptable and it means that there was an effect of early breastfeeding initiation to the duration of third stage of labor
Conclutions: there was an effect of early breastfeeding initiation to duration of third stage of labor by delivery mother.
Keywords: early breastfeeding initiation, the duration of third stage of labor
Penulis: Susilo Rini, RA Aminah Maya
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100056

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