
Paket Lengkap Kekerabatan Antara Persalinan Secara Sectio Caesarea Dengan Bencana Asfiksia Neonatorum Di Rsud Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto Tahun 2009

ABSTRACT: Mother mortality in Indonesia in 2007th yet is high, that’s equal to 228/100.000 birth of life. WHO approximating about 10% birth of life experiencing of complication haemorrahagechildbirth pasca. Pasca caesarea sectio infection also represent important cause of and deathpainfulness of mother. In RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto occurence ofcaesarea sectio more compared to RSUD Banyumas that is 5.250 case or about 38,6% from13,569 amount of childbirth. Objective : To know relation between childbirth by sectiocaesarea with occurence of neonatorum asphyxia in RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekardjo2009th. This research use analytic survey with approach of retrospektif, using sekunder data from RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto 2009th. Bivariate analysis with Chi Square data analysis. Amount of sampel counted 98 mother childbirth.Percentage of isbiggest of occurence of neonatorum asphyxia happened at sampel with childbirth by sectiocaesarea counted 45 sampel (70,3%). With p-value is 0,005 with signifikan level 10% ( 0,1).So that p-value < 10% ( 0,005 < 0,1) or x2 count > x2 of is tables of ( 7,867 > 3,841) then Horefused and Ha accepted. Childbirth by sectio caesarea relate to occurence of neonatorumasphyxia.
Keyword: Sectio Caesarea, Asphyxia Neonatorum
Penulis: Maya Safiti
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd090028

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