Paket Lengkap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Sampaumur Putri Perihal Menarche Di Smp Negeri 2 Kembaran
Abstrack: About 1/3 of the population of Indonesia consists of this age group who need to receive guidance and attention, because at that age is a period of transition in the life cycle from childhood toadulthood is fraught with problems and challenges of life (Dep Kes RI and WHO, 2003). Periods oftransition of children from pre puberty until just before puberty is a period which is quite difficult fora child. At this time important changes occur in both physical and behavioral. Menarche be an important thing for a woman and needs special attention. Lack of knowledge about reproduction,especially menstruation in young women can have an impact on readiness to face menarche.Readiness or unreadiness to face menarche impact on the individual reactions of young women at the time of first menstruation can have a positive or negative.
Objective: To describe the level of knowledge and attitudes about menarche in young women Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2 Twinning period of 2009.
Results: This research is quantitative descriptive cross-sectional approach that uses data collection instruments with a questionnaire, to a total of 70 students were taken in total sampling that will be analyzed by univariate analysis.
Conclusion: The level of knowledge of young girls about good enough menarche were 38 (54.3%), less good, that 25 (35.7%) and either is 7 (10%), the attitude of menarche young girls who have attitude does not support as many as 36 (51 , 4%) and being supportive 34 (48.6%). The level of knowledge about menarche in young women Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2 twins with enough category either does not support.
Keyword: Knowledge, attitudes, teenage daughter, menarche
Penulis: Surtiningsih, Rasmini
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100049