Paket Lengkap Hubungan Motivasi Dengan Sikap Ibu Nifas Dalam Perawatan Payudara
Abstract: Improper breast care will cause swelling on the breast and cracking onthe nipples which make the process of breastfeeding difficult. When there iscracking on the nipples, breastfeeding process should be suspended until it ishealed. Method: The research design was a correlational research using crosssectional approach. The research sample was 14 people at BPM EnyKustyaningsih Kepanjen Kidul District of Blitar at Augus 03th until 14th, 2012, it was chosen using purposive sampling. The data was collected by observation usingquestionnaire. The data was analyzed using Spearman rank, with a significantlevel of ≤ 0.05. Result : The motivation of breast care in postpartum mothers was in category of enough at about 71.4%, 64.3% in behavior, with the Spearman Rank P-value of 0.008. Discussion : It should be held further education for the mothers,especially when the mother was in a pregnancy, so that new mothers had the attention, memory, imagination and highly motivated so that the motivation andbehavior of breast care would be better.
Keywords: motivation, behavior
Penulis: Erna Isnandira dan Maria Ulfa
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140349