
Paket Lengkap Kekerabatan Pengetahuan Cukup Umur Putri Wacana Dismenore Dengan Upaya Penanganan Dismenore

ABSTRACT: Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain is a symptom that often leads young woman went to the doctor for consultation and treatment. Seeing the impact of dysmenorrhea is said thatdysmenorrhea is one of the problems in the lives of young women, forcing them to use avariety of ways to deal with the pain of dysmenorrhea. Preliminary studies conducted by theauthor in December 2011 in two Sekolah Menengan Atas Banyumas namely MAN MAN 1 and 2 Purwokertoshowed that the incidence of dysmenorrhea in MAN 1 Purwokerto higher (40) than the incidence of dysmenorrhea in MAN 2 Purwokerto (20).
Determine the relationship of young women knowledge about dysmenorrheal dysmenorrhea response efforts in MAN 1 Purwokerto in 2012
Methods: This study was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The sample used was cluster random sampling, the population in this study were all teenage girls in class X and a sample of 38 respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire with data analysis using chi-square.
From the results, most of it is pretty much as 17 respondents (44.7%), most of it is handled as many as 25 respondents (65.8%), there is a correlation between the knowledge of the young women with dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea treatment efforts in MAN 1 Purwokerto in 2012 with a value of count x2> x2 table (9.347> 5.991).
There is a relationship between knowledge about young women with dysmenorrheal dysmenorrhea treatment efforts in MAN 1 Purwokerto in 2012.
Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, Young Women, Knowledge
Penulis: Safitri M, Wangi G, Rahmawati N
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd130254

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