Paket Lengkap Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Bidan Dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Perihal Standar Anc Pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Sumbang I Dan Ii Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2011
ABSTRACT: Mother Death Rate (AKI) in Indonesia is still relatively high. Most of the death is caused by pregnancy and birth complication. One of the preventation is by raising the midwifery attendance that fill the standard of safety and effectiveness.The standard used is ANC. Based on theformerly study in the Puskesmas Sumbang I and II, there are 17 DI midwife and 15 DIII midwife, so that there is still variation in ANC Standard.
Aim : To know the correlation between the Midwife Educational Grade with the Knowledge Grade of the ANC Standard at the pregnancy mother in Puskesmas Sumbang I and II at Banyumas Regency in the 2011.
Methode : Kind of research is Analitik Correlational by using the Cross Sectional. The population of the research is all midwifes in Puskesmas I and II, they are all 32 midwifes with the Total Sampling. Kind of data is Primer with the Questioner Instruments
Result : There are 17 DI education grade midwifes (53.1%) and 15 DIII education grade ones (46.9%). The midwifes with the good knowledge grade of ANC Standard are 18 person (56,2%) and the rest, with the average grade are 14 person (43,8%). The result of the Rank spearman Correlation with the count-r is 0,828.
Summary : There is a correlation between the midwife educational gradewith the knowledge grade of ANC standard in the pregnant mother at Puskesmas Sumbang I and II, at Banyumas Regency, in the 2011(p-value=0,000 < = 0,05).
Key Words: The midwife educational grade, the knowledge grade the grade knowledge of ANC Standard
Penulis: Surtiningsih, SST, Stephani Aryana Heristawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110104