Paket Lengkap Risk Factors Of Premature Rupture Of Membrane
Abstract: Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia based on 2012 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey is 359 per 100,000 live births. Causes of the maternal mortality are still dominated by bleeding, preeclampsia/eclampsia and infections. One of causes of infections is premature rupture of membrane (PROM). PROM may increase morbidity and mortality among mothers and children. Incidence of PROM is amount 10.7% of all childbirths. This study aimed to analyze risk factors of PROM incidence at Mother and Child Hospital of ANNISACiteureup, Bogor District in 2014. This study was analytical study using case control design. Samples consisted of case as many as 114 mothers who suffered from PROM and control as many as 228 mothers who did not suffer from PROM. Results of study showed that risk factors of PROM were age, parity, education. Based on multivariate analysis, education was the most dominant risk factor toward PROM incidence.
Keywords: Education; pregnancy; premature rupture of membrane
Author: Maryuni, Dedeh Kurniasih
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg170001