
Paket Lengkap Kekerabatan Antara Umur Ibu Dengan Tragedi Plasenta Previa Pada Ibu Hamil Di Rsud Banyumas

ABSTRACT: The frequency of placenta previa in developing countries ranges from 1 to 2.4%, the maternal mortality rate due to placenta previa approximately 0.1 to 5%, while the perinatal mortality rate due to placenta previa around 7-25%.
Objective: To determine the relationship between mother's age with the incidence of placenta previa in pregnant women in Banyumas General Hospital in 2010.
This study was cross sectional with retrosfektif approach based on secondary data, the sampling technique using total sampling technique, which uses data retrieved medical records of all pregnant women who visited hospitals in Banyumas in 2010 about 2935 pregnant women.
The results of this study are of a total sample of 2395 pregnant women aged 20-35 years with as many as 1918 people, while pregnant women with age <20 were 106 people and> 35 years as many as 371 people. Pregnant women with age <20 years old who haveplacenta previa as many as five people (14.7%) and age> 35 years old who have placenta previa as many as 25 people (73.5%) more than the age of 20-35 years as many as 4 people (11.8%). There is a relationship between age and pregnant women with placenta previa.
There is a relationship between age and pregnant women with placenta previa in Banyumas General Hospital in 2010 with a low relationship strength so that it can beconcluded that the incidence of placenta previa is not only caused by maternal age alone but also due to other factors.
Keywords: Age of Pregnancy, Placenta Previa
Penulis: Iik Hikmawatun Amalah, Prasanti Adriani
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110109

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