
Paket Lengkap Citra Praktik Dukungan Asi Oleh Ibu Menyusui Di Desa Kracak Kecamatan Ajibarang Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2011

ABSTRACT: Practice correct breastfeeding is an important factor in the management of lactation, because the correct suction will empty breasts and will stimulate the release of breastmilk, so milk can be produced according the needs of the baby. In layman's mother maybreastfeed her baby, but what about the practice of breastfeeding with appropriatefeeding technique is not widely known by the mother. Implementation of improper feedingtechniques can lead to problems during breastfeeding lasts. Some of the problems thatoften occur when breastfeeding technique is incorrect is difficult to enter the breastnipple into the baby's mouth properly, putting the dilema of pain, cracked nipples. Objective to describe the practice of breastfeeding women done in the village Kracak Ajibarang District of Banyumas. This research method is quantitative descriptive usesprimary data taken with a questionnaire to the 93 nursing mothers in the village KracakAjibarang District of Banyumas. The results showed that most respondents knew theproper breastfeeding practices in accordance with proper feeding techniques, as many as61 respondents (65.6%). When viewed from the level of education, most respondents last berpendididkan Sekolah Menengah Pertama / MTS as many as 35 respondents (37.6%), seen from the parity thatis primiparas (number of children 1) 61 respondents (65.6%), those who get resources ofhealth workers which 48 respondents (51.6%). Most of the respondents know that properbreastfeeding practices in accordance with the correct breastfeeding technique as many as 61 respondents (65.6%)
Keyword: Practice of Breasfeeding, Breastfeeding
Penulis: Desi Purwasih, Reni Dwi Setyaningsih,S.KM, MPH, Ikit Netra. W, S.ST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100060

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