Paket Lengkap Pengetahuan Perempuan Usia Subur Wacana Keputihan Fisiologis Dan Patologis Di Puskesmas Sumbang Ii Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2010
ABSTRACT: The dilema of whiteness is a dilema that has long been a dilema for women. In a world of ever experiencing vaginal discharge about 75%. In Indonesiathe number of affected WUS whiteness as much as 23.53 million people, in the District Donates likelihood of discharge as much as 11 669 people.
Objective: To determine the knowledge overview of women of childbearing age about the physiological and pathological whiteness in Puskesmas Sumbang II District Banyumas.
Methods: This research method is quantitative descriptive based on primary data taken using a questionnaire with a sample size 87. The sampling technique accidentalsampling.
Results: Respondents have less knowledge about the physiological and pathological vaginal discharge most that 33 respondents (37.9%). Most respondents have Sekolah Menengah Pertama /MTs / equal and have sufficient knowledge as much as 50%. Most of the respondentswho obtained the information from a friend and as much as 44.7% of them have lessknowledge. Most respondents have a life of 20-29 years and 36.8% of them have less knowledge. Most respondents have jobs IRT and 52.5% of them have less knowledge about the physiological and pathological vaginal discharge. And all respondents experiencing vaginal discharge as many as 87 respondents (100%), of which 37.9% were mempuyai less knowledge.
Conclusion: Most of WUS in Puskesmas Sumbang II District Banyumas have less knowledge about the physiological and pathological vaginal discharge.
Keywords: Knowledge, WUS, Physiological vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge Pathological
Penulis: Afri Julianingsih, Maya Safitri, Indri Heri S
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100055