
Paket Lengkap Regresi Logistic Paritas Dan Hipertensi Terhadap Kejadian Solusio Plasenta

Abstract: Placental abruption is actually more dangerous than placenta previa for pregnant women and janinya. Placental abruption is the separation of the placenta from normal implementation before birth janin.Faktor cause placental abruption is unknown, but the condition of placental abruption can be attributed to the following matters, namely high blood pressure in the mother, maternal age or at high enough parity, smoking, poor nutrition, chorioamnionitis, blunt stress berat to the maternal abdomen, previous history of placental abruption, the increase in volume and uterine size. This study To determine the relationshipbetween parity and history of hypertension in women giving birth with the incidence of abruption plasentadi Hospital Dr. Margono Soekarjo 2009. This study researchers used a correlation study with cross sectional approach. Samples using quota sampling. Sample thisstudy were all birth mothers of 100 respondents 37 mothers who experienced abruption and63 who had not had abruption.
Results: From the results, most have parity primiparas as many as 38 respondents (38%), did not have a history of hypertension as many as 60 respondents (60%). There is a relationship between maternal parity on the incidence of placental abruption (χ² count> χ² table (18.919> 5.991)), there is a relationship between a history of hypertension on the incidence of maternal placental abruption (χ² count> χ² table (26.605> 3.841)). There is a relationshipbetween parity and history of hypertension in women giving birth with the incidence of abruption plasentadi Hospital Dr. Margono Soekarjo in 2009 (χ² count> χ² table).
Keywords: Parity, hypertension, placenta abruption
Penulis: Lindayanti, Dyah Arum
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd090031

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