
Paket Lengkap Hubunganantara Pengetahuan Penerima Kontrasepsi Piltentang Kb Pil Dengan Kepatuhan Penerima Dalam Mengkonsumsi Kb Pildi Desa Pasinggangan Kabupaten Banyumas

ABSTRACK: Each pill acceptors should have a good knowledge about the contraceptive pill. So has the adherence to the pill regularly every day. Pill if consumed regularly, the effectiveness is quite high, but if consumed regularly can decrease the effectiveness. In everyday use due to the human error factor (forgot), then failure can be 6-8 pregnancy / 100 women users / year usage. A frequent mistake is to forget to swallow pills or late start of the new packaging.
To determine the relationship between knowledge of family planning acceptors of contraceptive pills pills with compliance KB acceptors in consumingthe pills in the village Pasinggangan Banyumas in 2010 This research is an analytic correlation with cross sectional approach.
The sample used is purposive sampling, samples of this study are all family planning acceptors pills. Samples in this study of 50 respondents From the results, the majority of respondents' knowledge was pretty much as 28 respondents (56%), the majority of respondents dutifully taking birthcontrol pills as much as 34 respondents (68%), there is a relationship betweenknowledge acceptor pills of birth control pills with compliance acceptor in consuming birth control pills in the village Pasinggangan Banyumas in 2010 withþ-value (0.032) <α (0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. There is a relationship of knowledge of family planning acceptors ofcontraceptive pills pills with compliance KB acceptors in consuming pills
Keywords: Knowledge, Compliance, Consuming, birth control pills, Acceptors
Penulis: Kartika Sari, Prasanti Adriani
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110120

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