
Paket Lengkap Keaktifan Lansia Dalam Acara Posyandu Lansia Dengan Tingkat Kesehatan Lansia Di Desa Ledug Kecamatan Kembaran Kab. Banyumas

ABSTRACT: The number of elderly poeple from year to year is increasing; this has consequences on the improvement of services to the elderly one in the village of Ledug. With active in elderly posyandu expected Ledug elderly in the village havea good health status.To determine the relationship between active elderly in the elderly with health posyandu elderly. The research was conducted in the Village Ledug District Kembaran Banyumas. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique cluster sampling used questionnaire as a means of collecting data which was distributed to 71 respondents. Analysis of the data used is by using chi square. The results of this study is a significant relationship exists between the activity of the elderly with health elderly where P value 0.00 <0.05. Respondents with high activity have a good health status. A total of 49,3% elderly have expressed good health status. In this study a significant relationship exists between the active elderly in the elderly with health posyandu elderly.
Key words: activity, aging, health
Penulis: Reni Dwi S
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd120149

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